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How Digitisation and Hybrid Working are Impacting Printing Requirements

Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, the workplace has seen some significant changes.

The shift to remote and now hybrid working coupled with the acceleration in digital transformation has had a lasting impact on working environments, in particular the printing requirements of businesses.

The Quocirca Managed Print Services Market Landscape Report found that while 72% of businesses continue to rely on print, its importance is declining as digitisation programmes accelerate. In fact, just 30% of respondents said it was very important, a 20% decrease from 50% in 2019.

While it is expected that the requirement for print will still remain, there will be a need for the evolution of the print sector as businesses establish their long-term plans for hybrid working and digitisation.

The evolving role of MPS  

The Quocirca report revealed that almost one-third of the senior IT managers surveyed recognised the importance that MPS plays in digital transformation. It also revealed the top four most valuable business benefits MPS can deliver:  

  • Improved service quality and reliability (44%)  

  • Enhanced security (43%)  

  • Improved business efficiency (40%)  

  • Assistance moving print infrastructure to the cloud (40%)  

By focusing on customer concerns around workflow automation, cloud print transition, zero-trust security solutions and building home worker devices and management solutions into their offering, MPS can continue to support businesses meet their digitisation and hybrid working objectives.   

Furthermore, the report showed that 64% of decision makers would be more likely to choose an MPS that offered workplace services, while 47% would be attracted by cloud print services and 41% by collaboration services.  

Looking ahead  

While print requirements of businesses have declined since 2019, with the research uncovering that current print volumes are estimated at 51% of pre-Covid levels and expected to only rise to 55% by the end of 2023, that does not mean the role of MPS is no longer needed, it has evolved to meet the needs of digitisation and hybrid working.    

MPS that adapt to the changing working environments and strengthen their offering in security, cloud services and workflow automation still play a vital role in helping businesses improve their reliability, resilience and business efficiencies. 

How we can help 

As a trusted technology provider, we can help businesses deliver a more seamless work experience across paper and digital platforms and in hybrid working environments.  

From ensuring your print devices are as connected as you are to enabling secure mobile printing, Xerox apps and solutions make it easier to communicate, connect and work securely from any location.    Speak to a print specialist today to discuss your requirements.   

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How to transform your office printer into a smart workplace assistant

The office environment is ever-changing with a mobile and always connected workforce. Your office printers need to keep up and offer more than just the regular copy, scan, fax or print functionality - as well as being accessible from anywhere.

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More productive work from anywhere.

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